We deeply appreciate you joining us on our journey with the CFF and their Path to a Cure!
There are so many new advances in research, medications, as well as in the area of mental health for those living with a chronic illness such as cystic fibrosis.
Katie has become involved with a number of projects for the CFF and mental health. Over the last year, Katie worked with a group of researchers, adults with CF, and parents of individuals with CF to review community and provider surveys to assess CF mental health research priorities. The findings from this project are being presented at the NACFC under the title, CF mental health research priorities: Qualitative content analysis of CF community and provider survey. Katie has also been invited to join a few upcoming research projects, pending funding, related to mental health screenings and evaluations, as well as invited to be one of the founding members for a mental health research working group to help address some of the key research questions around mental health and CF. Katie is so excited to be a part of all of these efforts to make mental health a larger priority in the care of people with CF.
As CF research, medications and services become better and better, providing a higher quality of life for those living with CF, the mental health of living with a chronic illness becomes more and more important. YOU can be a part of making everyday life a little easier for someone with CF! YOU can help bring more services to those living with CF so they can live a healthier life. By spreading awareness of CF, sharing information and events and by participating in any of our efforts to raise awareness and funds to further new services such as mental health care, YOU ARE a part of the CURE! Every dollar raised and every new person joining our team pushes us to the FINISH LINE! We won’t stop ’til it’s DONE!
*****MARK YOUR CALENDARS for Thursday, Sept. 15 at 12pm to start bidding on all of the great baskets. Items are being added every day. Check them out at: www.32auctions.com/roses2022
Please keep following us and sharing our information and our newsletters with your family and friends. We absolutely need all of YOU to get us to the CURE for CF!!
As always, the Caul Family and The Rose Foundation Board are so appreciative for all you do to help us spread awareness and raise funds for a cure!
Linda & all the Cauls