BE our Valentine and Feel the LOVE! As I reflect on the past years, I am filled with warmth and joy because of the people The Rose Foundation has brought into our lives. Thank you for supporting our events over the years; it has meant so much to us.
WE ALREADY HAVE 15 TABLES REGISTERED FOR TRIVIA! Get your tables of 8 together and register with Jamie SOON for our LAST Trivia Night / Silent Auction on April 20! It will be a fun-filled night of celebrating all the work we have done together to fight for a cure for CF!
AND, our BALLOON RAFFLE is open now! Pick those lucky numbers and call or text Jamie to get yours before they are GONE!
The Rose Foundation was founded in February 2011, where Colleen’s Run for Roses from STL to NYC raised over $42,000 that year! We are now over $368,000! We challenge each of you to dig deep and help us reach a goal of $400,000 by the end of 2024 – our 14th year of The Rose Foundation! Let’s keep working to get this done!
PLEASE continue spreading awareness, share this newsletter and SEND in your RSVP to JAMIE via text or call to 314-537-7695 OR Reply to this email!
*** Registration Fees and Donations may be made via:
Venmo: TheRoseFoundation-CF (please use friend to friend option to avoid fees for non-profit)
Credit Card by clicking Great Strides Link HERE (Please display your name so we know who is making the donation!)
Linda & Jeff Caul Family and
The Rose Foundation Board
Running ’til CF stands for Cure Found!
***Save the Date: Run for Roses Trivia Night/Silent Auction- Sat. April 20, 2024
Even though this will be our LAST EVENT sadly, we will continue supporting the CFF and our local Gateway Chapter. We will continue accepting donations through The Rose Foundation’s 501(c)(3) and the funds will go directly to our local Gateway Chapter of the CFF through our Team Run for Roses to benefit new services, treatments, medications and research for a cure. TEAM RUN FOR ROSES WILL REMAIN A GREAT STRIDES TEAM and accept your yearly donations through this portal! We hope you will continue to keep a Cure for CF in your minds and find space in your hearts for continued donations! We and all the families with a loved one who lives with CF will keep you in our hearts as well.
Every dollar paves the Path to a Cure…until …CF stands for Cure Found!