The “In It To End It” Club is an elite group of Great Strides teams (new or returning) who are committed to ending CF by raising $2,500 more in 2016.
20 teams x $2,500 = $50,000!!!
Why Join?
In addition to helping raise more money towards our mission in 2016, there are perks for being in the club:
~Team leader receives 2 Teammate t-shirts (additional t-shirts for your team may be purchased)
~“In It To End It” buttons for your teams walkers to wear on walk day
~Team name printed on the back of the 2016 Teammate t-shirts
~Team recognition in our Great Strides e-newsletters and on Facebook
~Team recognition during Great Strides opening ceremonies
~Special recognition at Team Leader Meet and Greet Happy Hour (Thurs, March 3rd)
~Variety of other perks at different walk sites
~Knowing that YOU are making a difference for EVERYONE living with CF!
~Fun incentives to help motivate you along the way
We hope you will consider this opportunity! If you are IN, fill out the commitment form and turn it in to your chapter office to receive your Teammate t-shirt today! Please call the office (314) 733.1241 with any questions or to get started and together we can be In It To End It!!